
Posts Tagged ‘swine flu’

Uncertainty and fear, tips to get a grip!

June 23, 2009 3 comments


If you are suffering from increased anxiety and stress, move over. You are not alone. Statistics are showing that almost 85 % of Americans are feeling anxious. It should not come as a surprise that sales of anti-depressants are up.


That’s the bad news. None of us has the power to personally change the scenario in the world of financial disasters, swine flu, or nuclear war (although we can shift the energies and transform them). Those elements are going to be there no matter what you do.


So what can you do besides popping Valium or scotch to get a handle on your nerves? Well, you can follow one or two simple rules that I like to use when the going gets tough. You see, unless you change how you see the world and your place within, you will be at effect of the economy and the crisis. It would be better to change your perspective, instead of fighting it, align with it.


Look at it this way. Just suppose you were born to be a part of this crisis, and to be a part of the solution as well. For what reason would you have been placed here, what kind of role would you play? For example, one of my clients, a mousy brunette, realized she was here to serve as an icon of freedom, almost like being the statue of liberty, bringing freedom to her clients. Another client, struggling in this economy to find clients, realized that she had lost her vision. Once she regained her clarity, she could now help her clients regain their visions, and in the process, business doubled overnight.

So today instead of reacting to the events in the news, take charge of yourself. Ask yourself what gifts and services are yours, that could help others during these troubled times. If you were indeed put here for a purpose, a mission, what exactly is it. That’s the first step to getting a grip in today’s world. Clients call me when they can’t figure it out and need help in defining and actualizing their mission.

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